What Does an SEO Strategist Do?


An influential SEO strategist requires specific core competencies, including an eye for spotting high-impact opportunities, prioritization capabilities that produce tangible SEO outcomes, and knowledge of the digital ecosystem. Get the Best information about All in One SEO Basic.

When hiring an SEO strategist, make sure they remain current on Google’s algorithm changes and have demonstrated sustained success, as this is an indicator that they possess the requisite expertise for such a challenging role.

On-Page Optimization

An influential SEO strategist will understand on-page optimization, which involves altering page content to make it more relevant for a search query. This may include matching up keywords used in page content with meta titles, meta descriptions, header tags, URL structure, internal links, images, or any other on-page elements that make up its composition.

SEO strategists employ data analysis tools to evaluate web traffic and user behavior, helping them to detect consumer trends as well as understand how competitors of their clients’ are faring online. With this knowledge in hand, SEO strategists can create strategies to increase website visibility in search engines as well as its performance in organic searches.

An SEO strategist must have excellent written and verbal communication skills. They will need to draft both short-term and long-term SEO plans for other specialists to implement, explain their recommendations clearly to team members, and ensure that everyone on the team understands them fully.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to optimizing a website to increase crawlability, indexation, and overall site performance. This involves making pages more easily searchable by search bots; creating and deploying sitemaps; using structured data schema to deploy schema within pages; as well as working closely with web designers or front-end developers on ensuring it’s coded correctly. Read the Best info about Rank Booster.

Technical SEO includes conducting content audits to evaluate and assess the quality of website content, identify areas for improvement, and determine possible optimization efforts. This may involve reviewing title tags, meta descriptions, H1s and page URLs based on keyword research as well as analysing backlinks, conducting keyword research and providing advice to web writers or content marketers on how they should best optimize site content.

SEO strategists need to have an in-depth knowledge of all facets of technical SEO, from on-page and off-page optimization through link building and social media optimization, in order to devise comprehensive strategies that drive rankings, traffic, and conversions for their clients. Thus it is common for strategists to possess both on-page SEO skills as well as technical ones – however a dedicated expert who oversees both may be harder to come by.

Keyword Research

An influential SEO strategist should be able to quickly recognize which keywords are being searched by their target audience and use these phrases in SEO content to help people discover products or services provided by the business. A good strategist must create a keyword databank relevant to their client’s industry as well as avoid keyword cannibalization – meaning not using duplicated phrases on different pages and posts across websites. Choose the best Monthly SEO.

Keyword research is a crucial element of SEO (search engine optimization). It involves discovering which search terms your audience is typing into Google and then crafting content around those terms to attract more traffic and leads for your business. There are various tools available for keyword research such as AdWords Keyword Tool, SEMrush, and Ahrefs – each has different strengths and weaknesses so make sure to choose one that meets your needs!

Link Building

Link building in SEO refers to acquiring links from other websites in order to increase search engine rankings. As an SEO strategist, link-building campaigns may be required on behalf of clients; you will likely need to research keywords and competitor information in order to inform content strategy as well as devise outreach tactics for link-building outreach campaigns.

Quality backlinks are one of the cornerstones of Google’s ranking algorithm, serving as a trust signal that indicates your website is an authority in a particular subject area. Unfortunately, not all backlinks are equal and some may even hinder your ranking if they come from spammy websites, directories or brand new domains.

Avoid being penalized by Google by building links from trustworthy websites. There are various methods for doing this, ranging from social engineering (using controversy and ego bait to gain links) to broken link building (locating dead pages that link back) as well as image link building, HARO requests, journalist mentions, unlinked mentions and skyscraper techniques.


SEO strategists need to be up-to-date with search engine algorithms in order to provide decisions that help their clients expand their online businesses while staying aware of trends and changes in digital marketing – including data analysis as a process of modeling data in order to extract insights.

Report writing can be an art like being an investigator sifting through mountains of data to extract meaningful evidence to tell a compelling tale that highlights your client’s successes and outlines opportunities for the future. Therefore, having an effective tool such as Agency Analytics available to make data presentation simple will enable you to produce reports with clarity and conciseness.

Salary expectations for SEO Strategists can depend heavily on experience and location; in certain cities, salaries for seo strategists tend to exceed national averages. To find your perfect location for career success, check out our list of 10 cities where seo strategist salaries exceed national norms.