How to Pick a Good Watermelon


Though watermelons may appear rough at first glance, look for one with no bruises or gashes and one that feels heavy for its size.

Some people swear by tapping watermelons to test if they’re ready. A hollow thump indicates whole juicy goodness, while muted sounds indicate overripeness.


Watermelons can give a good indicator of their readiness based on their color. A dull hue is generally indicative of willingness, while bright or shiny hues could indicate it hasn’t reached maturity yet. Also, look for consistent stripe patterns – faded ones might tell overripeness.

If you’re still uncertain whether your watermelon is ready, try the “thump test.” Tap a slice against the countertop gently while listening for any sounds; if a deep hollow noise emerges from it, that indicates its readiness; otherwise, a dull sound with a higher pitch indicates underripeness – this means less sweet taste buds!

Next, evaluate the size and shape of the watermelons you purchase. An ideal watermelon should be symmetrical in form without any dents, bruises, or punctures while feeling heavier than its appearance; since watermelons contain 92% water content, the denser they are, the more juice will be available to extract.

To inspect watermelons for these characteristics, please observe their ground spot. According to Whole Foods Market, this should be cream or yellow (not white). A white ground spot indicates underripe and lack of flavor; darker hues suggest overripeness, which can result in mushy textures.

If you’re still uncertain, ask the vendor’s opinion before comparing your watermelons against other varieties. Sugar Baby watermelons are popular due to their small size (7-10 lbs), sweet flavor, and short rind length; another great choice is Moon & Stars, which boast dark green skin dotted with yellow spots reminiscent of stars twinkling in the sky – they offer intense flavor comparison with other watermelon types and can weigh up to 40 pounds!


Weight should always be an indicator when purchasing watermelons; the heavier, the juicier they will be. If a watermelon feels light in your hands, it could be underripe with too much moisture present – another way is the straw test; placing a piece of straw atop it and seeing if it spins may provide insight as to ripeness. However, this test is more of an urban myth than an accurate measure.

Watermelons contain 92% moisture content, so their weight should exceed their appearance. Compare watermelons of equal size, looking for ones that weigh slightly heavier. An exceptional watermelon should weigh somewhat more than its competitors to indicate more moisture retention.

At the same time, make sure your watermelons have uniform shapes. An oval rather than round watermelon could indicate it was grown with irregular amounts of sun and water, leading to dryness or inconsistency in its flesh. Look out for rough bumps or lumps on its surface, too. Whenever possible, choose one with yellow field spots, known as webbings; these indicate prolonged vine growth for sweeter and juicier fruit!

When purchasing watermelons, knock lightly with your knuckles to test their firmness. A dull thudding sound signifies spoilage; instead, a hollow, deep sound should be heard when tapping on it with your hands. Also, look out for creamy yellow spots known as ground spots – darker spots indicate more flavorful watermelons!


When selecting a watermelon, it must feel its weight and tap its skin until a hollow sound can be heard. A deep sound indicates ripeness – an indicator that this juicy delight should be enjoyed!

Watermelons don’t continue ripening once cut off their vine, so you must pick one that is ready for immediate enjoyment. When selecting an excellent watermelon, look for four S features – shape, size, spot, and sound.

Look for round and beautiful watermelons with no uneven bumps on their surfaces – this indicates they were pollinated correctly and allowed to ripen fully on the vine. Avoid rectangular watermelons as they have likely experienced differing amounts of sunlight and water during growth.

Verify whether the fruit was grown by an experienced farmer who allowed it to ripen on the vine for optimal sweetness. A bright yellow field spot on its underside indicates this fact.

Listen to your watermelon when thumping it with your fingers or palm. A dull, muted thudding sound indicates a dry rind that cannot support its juicy interior; on the other hand, an audible, rich, resonant, hollow sound typically means you have found The One!

As you practice this trick, it will quickly become second nature, helping you locate The One whenever you shop for delicious summer treats. However, looking for additional indicators – including skin color, weight, and field spot presence or absence – is still prudent to ensure you select only the finest watermelons possible.

Field Spots

While searching for watermelons at your grocery store, look for those with large creamy yellow field spots. A more prominent dot indicates that it was left on its vine until fully ripe before harvesting; watermelons without these markings have likely been picked too early and may turn out to be unripe or souring when cut open.

Look for melons with uniform shapes that do not feature irregular bumps or dents on their rinds, such as those featuring irregular lumps. Any melons featuring chunks could have been handled too much while on the vine or dropped during growth, leading to inconsistent amounts of sunlight and water exposure.

Checking watermelons for ripeness is easy: tap them with your knuckles until you hear a hollow sound that indicates they’re ready. Conversely, higher-pitched noises indicate unripeness that may need to be returned.

Check for brown webbing on the rind; this indicates bee pollination of your melons during their growth process and means they’re good, sweet ones.

When selecting watermelons, look for ones with more weight for their size; that will indicate they have more water inside and are more juicy. An ideal watermelon should feel stiff but firm under pressure; now is a great time to use that weighing scale! Enjoy these tips for picking an excellent watermelon, and try one of our delicious recipes featuring this summer favorite! Thanks for reading, friends!


When selecting watermelons, look for ones with cream-colored stems displaying signs of ripeness. This indicates that they could mature fully on the ground for enough time for optimal sweetness.

Avoid melons that display wrinkles or dents around their stem area, as this could indicate that they were picked early and haven’t had time to ripen before harvest fully.

Another excellent way to assess watermelons is by gently pressing on their skins; a perfect watermelon should have some give when gently pressed, signaling that its fruit inside is fresh and succulent. You could also try slapping or knocking on it to hear how it sounds; one with a deep sound indicates an abundant supply of moisture, while one that produces a dull or flat sound may contain less liquid, leading to decreased flavorful effects.

Selecting a delicious watermelon is paramount at grocery stores or farmers’ markets. Watermelons only have a limited window during which their sweet, delectable flavors develop; once off their vine and exposed to air, their sweetness quickly vanishes if not picked quickly enough! By following these tips, you can help guarantee you always like deliciously ripe watermelons!